Frequently asked questions

  • How does RatedProviders.com make money?

    Using RatedProviders.com is completely free to you, the end customer.

    We do not earn commission on individual sales. This means we have no bias to recommend one product or service over another. We make all our recommendations purely based on the best fit with the details you give us about your company and needs.

    We are funded by our partner companies, whose services and products we offer to users of RatedProviders.com.

  • How many countries does RatedProviders.com cover?

    So far we cover business products and services in the following countries: UK, Ireland, Canada, France, USA.

    We are constantly expanding so we are sure to add more in the future.

  • How do we use your data?

    We store your name, contact details and other company data that you give us in our contacts database.

    This is on secure servers that we keep as safe as possible. We forward your details to providers of telecoms, insurance, leasing, and other products and services either within the RAM group or in our partner companies so that they can prepare offers and quotes adapted to your needs.

    By completing a query form anywhere on RatedProviders.com, you are authorizing us to use your personal data in this way. For more information on how we use data, please see our privacy policy.

  • How can I opt out of being contacted by RatedProviders.com?

    We have an opt-out link at the bottom of every email we send out, and you can follow that to opt out of any further emails.

    If you want to make sure you are not called by us either, please email info@ratedproviders.com tell us you want to be removed from our calling list and we will immediately delete your details.

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